Each semester, lots of students can easily get confused about their class registration. They may have tons of questions and concerns before the registration date. This article will give you the basic information about registering for classes and some tips to help you succeed!

Talk to Your Advisor(s)

Your advisors are always the best option to ask for any registration questions. They may give you better option of selecting the class or providing you some hints. Also you must meet your advisor to replace your Advising Hold before registration!

Tip: Ask your advisors if they have some recommended courses.

Plan Ahead

Check your 鈥淒egree Works鈥 via MySlice! It will give you an overview of all your courses and major requirements. You can design your own class schedule by using Schedule Builder in MySlice to avoid class time conflict in advance.

Tip: Make sure you have a second and third option for some classes, as well as the recitation/discussion sessions, in case you can鈥檛 get your first selection.

Check You Registration Date and Time

Go to your MySlice, then select 鈥淓nrollment.鈥 From there, select 鈥淰iew My Enrollment Date鈥 and check your registration date and exact time. Enroll in the classes once the portal opens for you. Spots can fill really fast since lots of students are enrolling at the same time.

Tip: Add all courses in your shopping cart beforehand. Refresh the page once the registration time arrive and hit enroll quickly.

Enroll in 15 Credits

Most four-year degree programs require 120-128 credits. While the minimum credit hours required per semester is 12, on average, you need 15 credits to graduate in four years. Outside of graduating on time, taking 15 credits can bring you lots of advantages:

  1. Save Time and Money
    1. If you take longer to get your degree, you pay more for your degree. Staying longer could also affect your financial aid. Plus, tuition costs the same no matter how many credits you take, so you won鈥檛 pay more when you take more than 12 credits.
  2. Have Flexibility
    1. When you distribute your credits across semesters, you鈥檙e less likely to have an overwhelming course load later. That gives you the flexibility to study abroad, change your major, or add a minor.
  3. Challenge Yourself
    1. Managing 15 credits can help you practice your time-management skills. You have to manage your studying, working, relaxing time which will be benefit for your professional life.

Check out the , if you have more question related to class registration. Good luck!

Written by Ruohan Xu 鈥23, College of Engineering & Computer Science